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Full Moon in Aint-no-Saint Virgo

first days of March. It’s funny, too, not only because Virgos immediately think their latest hangnail is the flesh eating disease. This Moon is never a major party for anybody. It does, however, provide a much–needed balance to the current planetary pileup in Pisces.
The Pisces part of us has all of us cheating on our diets – or fantasizing doing so on our spouses too, can even when you don’t think you don’t want to.
The mind wanders.
Pisces suggests and symbolizes a necessary divergence from the straight and narrow, which is such a refreshing change from having to be good all the time.

But now as the full Moon hits in Virgo, you’ve got to be sane and sober , no matter how much fun you have been having playing on your whacked-out stage of make-believe.
Not whacked-out maybe,but definitely somewhat deviant. Deviant, sometimes not actually crazy, but living momentarily in another dimension, in your own private science-fiction movie that allows you a kind of escapist liberty often forbidden by What passes for sanity in daily life.

What I like about the full Moon in Virgo is the getting-down – to – brass – tacks aspect of it. You want to manifest your fantasies on a practical level, and you are not content jerking around with anything or anyone who doesn’t support your need to be needed useful and pragmatically creative.

So if you have been partying a little too hard, or grieving too deeply– – a lot of people have been doing that –

Go Wash your face, put on clean underwear and join in the world, whether you are in An up-and-at ‘em-mood, or struggling to remember your mothers maiden name.
What Moon is this for You?
ARIES the Vegetarian Moon
TAURUS the It’s True Love Not Just Friendship Moon
GEMINI the Who’s Your Mommy Daddy Moon
CANCER the Reach Out and Touch Someone Moon
LEO Don’t Spend It All In One Place Moon
VIRGO the Aint No Saint But I’m Still Good Moon
LIBRA the God Please Forgive Me Moon
SCORPIO I Stil Have Friends? Moon
SAGITTARIUS I’m My Own Boss Dammit! Moon
CAPRICORN The Healthy I’ve Got Most Of My Marbles Brain Moon
AQUARIUS At Least I’m Alive I Am, Aren’t I? Moon
PISCES Thank Heaven I Have Someone To Help
Me To The Bathroom If I Need It Moon

Comments (7)

Hilarious and so true.
Sun Virgo/Moon Pisces, feeling good with opposition reversed. Go figure.

This Virgo’s anxiety is over the top, not a pleasant full moon for me.
Love you Michael.

So true for all the people who are part of my life 😊😊😊😊

Aquarius Sun, Gemini rising, definitely having what feels like life or death Mommy issues.. 🙁

Yes, grieving deeply. Scorpio suffering and wishing it would end.

My two girlfriends are talking to me again, unbelievable!

Gemini…Virgo rising!! Finally learning to let go of a bad relationship! 99% sure anyway! LOL

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