This is a seven year transit that began in 2010.
It's completely liberating because it denotes
your unflagging wish for independence.
It sometimes, however, brings unforseen shifts
and changes that challenge originality
in yourself, your business, your health or in other areas.
It happens once every eighty-four years
so it marks significant changes in your life and opportunities
to turn over a brand new leaf. It's an outer planet however,
so it doesn't give a damn about anything when it operates.
It's a challenge to change. If you already have this message,
as many people do, re-read it now.
If you don't have it you can still get it.

Aries // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Taurus // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Gemini // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Cancer // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Leo // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Virgo // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Libra // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Scorpio // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Sagittarius // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Capricorn // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Aquarius // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store

Pisces // Add to cart and keep shopping -or- Buy now and check out -or- back to The Mikey Store


Daily Fix

Messages and Books You Should Have