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22 Nov: Blessings and energy

Sagittarius: no matter what darkness has attempted to overcome you May we all be touched by the divine light. Blessed by the knowledge to make wise choices, may we be…

13 Nov: High over water

How the maddening apparent slowness of the Pluto transit is making you feel about a certain aspect, issue or event in your life that is taking it’s own sweet time…

03 Nov: May dreams come true

This New Moon at this spot on the Zodiac is a death I have personally already lived through. Triggered by 11 degrees of Scorpio, it unleashed the most intensely joyful,…

10 Oct: The Time Has Come: SATURN GOES DIRECT

The Saturn direct station. In Aquarius. You’ve had enough time to think it over, hope for Christ to get here or some other miracle to occur and spent time precious…


“To Be Awakened Is To Love All Beings.” Someone whose Wisdom I deeply respect and Trust just told me it’s our Last and only Hope. So I’m going with that.

24 Jun: Pluto hits 27 thisyear

Yes, it’s almost time for the rest of the garbage to be dumped on the nice, neat lawn of consciousness. And when Pluto hits 27 degrees CAPRICORN this year, the…