Daily Fix

15 Nov: Climate change crisis

                     In Emerald City

13 Nov: My post of one year ago today November 13, 2019

November 13, 2019
As time runs out, the conjunction narrows, and takeover is about to occur, it is vital to distract the people, so whatever it takes, KEEP THEM FRIGHTENED!

09 Nov: Right now this is a case for…


08 Nov: Jupiter conjunct Pluto With Saturn in Capricorn

The tiniest sliver of hope you’ve heard tell about

07 Nov: Sun Juno on the world axis

Experience the joy of a heart that is true. Simple.

30 Oct: Holding tight keeping a grip and not letting go

Different kinds of surprises on this full moon an odd sort of trust and loyalty


Don’t laugh. Wait.

(Please hold comments)

09 Oct: With Saturn strong now

we have to grow up,
pay our debts to and live in society
According to social contracts
of earth and cosmic law,
led by fair and honest judges.

But don’t kid yourself.

There’s a dark side, run by miserable, punitive, power-crazed soulless bastards out there at this very minute who are getting their jollies breaking your spirit just to make you OBEY.

07 Oct: In good hands?

following doctor’s orders

05 Oct: It’s calming music time when Venus is in Virgo

But the minute Mercury or any other planet hits Scorpio and your animal self starts howling at you,You can’t just sit there playing the harp if you know what I mean.