Daily Fix

30 Oct: When earthly worries and concerns get too heavy,

When life’s earthly pressures and worries begin to weigh too heavily on the mind, It is not unusual during a Scorpio lunation, to seek release in obsessive distractions, any and all of which prove to be fulfilling only in the moment.

28 Oct: It may all be just a game, but…

With this New Moon, If you have just been thrown a wicked curveball…

let me know if I can help

27 Oct: When Scorpio is involved…


26 Oct: Mars Moon Saturn

Although Mars is still applying to the square of Saturn the moon has already Created the temporary paralysis which is now slowly beginning to dissipate.

Remember check is not necessarily CheckMate

26 Oct: Can you just say, “screw it” and go out and smell the flowers? Doubtful.

It would be great today to just say “screw it” and go out and smell the flowers, but most people are way too wound up and uptight to do that. Here is one of those moments with Moon dark, Mercury turned off and the horizon bleak beyond words.
It is in that vacuum of non-existence that rash,panicky decisions rarely pay off. When The lights go back on, your head stops babbling gibberish at you and the Universe resumes speaking to you in your native language, you’ll see how many options you actually have.

25 Oct: I don’t like witchy warnings.

I don’ t like witchy warnings, mainly because There’s no sense spooking people. But…On a chaldean saturn Saturday like this one, I also definitely do not like a detrimental Mars joined by a dark Moon in square to a dignified Saturn.

We all, however, have to respect the law of balance. So watch where you’re going, deal squarely with what’s right in front of us, and handle it.

23 Oct: The Sun at 29 libra

Compare and contrast

1983-2019 if alive

17 Oct: THAT VOICE!!!

If right in the middle of your busy day, you start hearing horribly critical comments blurted out about you, or the scariest, darkest calamities about to befall you, that crippling voice is your own head, due probably from Chiron in early Aries and the planetary mess in Capricorn. If it is undermining your courage, THAT IS EXACTLY the moment to keep marching humbly forward with your current plan for survival and prosperity. If possible, tell it to shut the hell up, and if you can, just start singing over it.

14 Oct: This is it, Folks.

This is it folks. The Full Moon on the Aries Libra axis mixed in with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto has triggered off your challenge of 2020. Although it’s the chance to pull off the most brilliant coup of your life and make a quantum leap to the next level of personal or professional success, On the other a whole lot of other poor jokers are just going to crack under the pressure, pack it in or start dancing around the kitchen and hope nobody’s looking.

13 Oct: Did somebody dare to say Gender?

When the Full Moon falls on the Aries-Libra axis with Venus in the sign of Mars and Mars in the sign of Venus….sexual role playing and rôle reversal—-funzees