2017 June

16 Jun: Whodunnit?

–jared asks:
Is the Shadow Government actually spraying some damned shit in the chemtrails that makes me feel like laying here like this for the rest of my life?
–Mikey answers; Could well be.
That, plus Neptune.

12 Jun: Time to make the donuts

The Weekly Reader: Although the word “nauseated” is probably more grammatically correct for the general feeling this week, I prefer “nauseous”. It’s so much more descriptive. During the week when…

10 Jun: Remember “the plot thickens?”

pluto is moving sliwly abd quietly into the ladt section of Capricorn.

And slowly we learn  that everything we build to last forever in society..doesn’t. A world revolution will disclose the undiscloseable



09 Jun: Jupiter goes direct: At last…

Finally you get exactly the right kind of support  just where you need it most!

Stay tuned right here next week. More to see

07 Jun: Full Moon in Sadge on a Jupiter Station

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it…

06 Jun: Venus returns to Taurus

all honor to Aphrodite and the Iris and love

05 Jun: Snow white wakes up

Week of june 5,  2017:

An offer is made.

more to come