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When Mars rises above the Sun

This week and following,
Mars has primary influence
as it rises before dawn
with the North Node.
In preparation for the
solar eclipse

Here is some
strangely practical advice:

Focus on your creative spark
and the gratitude you have
for the Life Force
that burns brightly within you.

The Leo Pisces quincunx
occurring now
represents your personal battle

high motivation
and futility.
The best way to beat it

is to get up as early as you can—
I suggest around dawn
wherever you live.
Spring into action
on whatever level
you are ambulatory.

thinking your life sucks. .
You could conjure up the most ghoulish
fantasies, worries
and grievous projections.
It’s not a time for
doubt or regret–
well it can be if you let it.


it’s a time for
creative actions
and letting

your heart be open
with the love flowing.

Accomplish much now
and don’t think too much
Focus on the light.
Be grateful for
what you CAN do,

mainly because you can do
so much if you just do it
and stop walking around

secretly desperate.
The power of the Sun protects you

The Sun Mars combination
fills you with the
vitality, confidence and
healing energy
you need
to do whatever you want to do.

SO just do it.