In the dark with a twelfth house Mars.
Spooky as hell, mainly because you’re sure you’re alone in the room and you don’t believe in ghosts. And yet……
26 Sep: I get it. I really do.
sometimes a total
has to precede total reconstruction and renewal that will always follow. So no matter how absolutely sick of everybody’s bullshit you get, don’t waste valuable and honored connections.
22 Sep: I’d LOVE the truth…
“SATURN, DEATH ANXIETY IN ASTROLOGICAL PRACTICE” Part one What’s all this crazy talk about death anxiety. Is it real? Of course not. So why is everybody suffering it if it’s…
15 Sep: Something big and wonderful, or…..
Something Wonderful?
With this FULL MOON IN PISCES the doors of perception have opened. You have had the rare opportunity to look deep within yourself and see the need you have for authentic emotional expression. It has given you a peek through the keyhole of Heaven’s Gate, and no matter where you were or how you spent the full moon, you’ve seen the need for love and your wish and ability to express it.
Or not.
The Moon now has passed on from Pisces to Chiron in Aries, Where a finger of caution is wagging at you.
So it’s hard to know if something big and wonderful has been revealed to you or it’s just another fantasy igone wild.
Let us not be hasty in our judgment of ourselves in this new adventure that is about to unfold.
14 Sep: Snoozing at Moon 29 Pisces Remembering Chiron
Even flopped so comfortably on her favorite chair, Aunt Jeanette Felt a jab of the old pain. No longer a searing agony. That had stopped a long, long time ago. Now it was just a little pinprick of a memory, which we call 29 Pisces, the itching of a scar,Like the nostalgic appearance of an old friend.
Funny, she thought, it’s become like a movie i wept at the end of.”
She closed her eyes and dozed off.
14 Sep: The other choice
Of course retreating from the noisy madness of the world to find peace within is a splendid alternative to staying up for three days partying and making complete fool of yourself.
But then…
Don’t wake up married in Vegas.
You can’t get enough! You can’t get enough! Shove it in! You can’t get enough! Until you realize you don’t need any of it. Neptune in Pisces
13 Sep: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
The Pisces Full Moon is the first sip of the second martini when you get the urge to start calling up everybody from high school and confess.