
08 Jun: Relax?!?

 As Saturn and Uranus scrape by each other, we are just about down to raw nerves. It’s exciting, isn’t it?

04 Jun: Pluto phase one

You may Remember we talked about the notion that every Pluto transit puts the world through three vital phases: 1. Devastation 2. Emptiness 3. Fertility Pluto T 27 Cap is…

31 May: Staying sane

To stay sane these days with Chiron in Aries and to get back in touch with your real Self, it’s almost as if you have to block out the distracting noise of the entire world. But isn’t that anti-social?
And yet if you listen to it…

29 May: When contemplating the rise..

You gotta wonder if it’s just Mother Nature doing it or what, but When contemplating an actual rise in Earth’s temperature, remember this:
Some Like It Hot

23 May: Freezeframe

In between
You’re not here and you’re not there.
Could really make you feel unhinged if you don’t keep your balance.
Almost like a spirit between lives
Or a plane looking for a landing spot
Just in-between
That’s the Saturn station in air
A freeze frame of existence before the fateful next step

https://michael lutin.com/contact/

21 May: The perfect week

This is the most perfect week to make plans that don’t work out, tear your hair and beat your head against the wall for what seems like absolutely nothing and…

20 May: The most perfect week

This is the most perfect week to make plans that don’t work out, tear your hair and beat your head against the wall for what seems like absolutely nothing and…