TALK ABOUT DIVINE INTERVENTION! With with With Uranus involved prediction is impossible as life proves stranger than fiction if the world gets it together in time and opposition becomes conjunction…
03 Jan: TWO YEARS AGO 3 jan 2019
It seems everyone is down with the same bug.
But that can’t be,
Or Can it?
That every single person on the Earth is down with the same bug.
But that’s impossible.
And yet, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
01 Jan: Of course I would love to wish…
Of course I would like to wish everybody a freer, much less restricted and more fulfilling year ahead. It’s just that for reasons I can’t figure out or fully explain, I am moved to delay my sincere and heartfelt happynewyear wishes for all beings everywhere to the New Moon in Aquarius on the eleventh of February, just to make a nice change. Until then it seems to be all in the dark.
30 Dec: Not a New Year yet at all.
Gotta be able to recognize nonsense when you hear it.
26 Dec: If only…
No matter how many lives I have left behind or how many lies I have spoken; no matter how many souls I put out of mind or how many hearts I’ve broken..
Faithless and faulty as I may have demonstrated myself to be, to all those I have ever loved, I love you now as much now as I did then. To all those I will meet and love in coming days, weeks, months and years,
get ready. Here I come.
With his keen ear to the ground, a tracker listens for the approach of imminent danger.
if over the next couple of years you are facing The dilemma of PLUTO’s coming passage between CAPRICORN and AQUARIUS, When faced with a challenge you are completely unfamiar with,…
Beautiful. But it’s also a clear communication, one we’ve been attempting to translate. A message has been transmitted to all Beings on Earth. There is a punchline. Wait for it.
14 Dec: South Node Eclipse in Sagittarius
Whether you’ve got 3PH D’s or you quit school in eighth grade, south node eclipse in Sagittarius is often the inseecure feeling of incompetency or lack of skill or ability, or paradoxically- – the exact opposite : a defensive and flashy display of higher education and brain power.
Since there’s alway a bunch more to learn, we must all always remember that true wisdom comes from knowledge fused with the pain of experience.
the point just before quitting your job, or, leaving with dignity before they throw you the hell out.