

“To Be Awakened Is To Love All Beings.” Someone whose Wisdom I deeply respect and Trust just told me it’s our Last and only Hope. So I’m going with that.

28 Sep: Keeping balance

Some days You just get out of bed and do what’s next on the list, and everything’s fine. But as the cluster of retrograde starts to get you there are moments when the impossible enormity of the imbalance of your responsibilities is almost too much to contemplate.
That’s when you need to hear that little voice inside you that says, “JUST HANG IN THERE AND DON’t FALL OFF THE TRUCK.”

26 Sep: Patience

To get through this planetary station successfully, just pretend you’re stuck at a red light in a traffic jam just five minutes away from home, and you gotta go the bathroom REAL BAD. Concéntrate!

15 Sep: During these sacred hours

During the Sacred Hours of This celebration of YOM KIPPUR, May you, together with all Beings everywhere, enjoy and be comforted by the Divine Presence that passes through us all


An image to remember right now: WE THE ASTROLOGERS a joyful worldwide community, celebrate and support our family of cosmic brothers and sisters as we raise our voices in triumphant…

06 Sep: Rosh Hashannah

The New Moon in Virgo at Sunset Rosh Hashanah, As this Holy day Begins the Jewish New Year celebration, May no living creature suffer, or fall ill. May no one…

30 Aug: Mikey,Jeremiah and Celine

Did a Podcast with As Woo Woo As You Want. Check it out here: Apple Podcasts – https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__podcasts.apple.com_us_podcast_as-2Dwoo-2Dwoo-2Das-2Dyou-2Dwant_id1457111855-3Fi-3D1000532964104&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=l55eLD8f1f6hZaKa_T9TeQ&m=2wQVNYl0XqSV7UG_uzAd6W1tteiv0xnzQgdUzGfIEd0&s=Y2sseMOaV99Xi7-yhTox1a_-PTimjX7LrVfvNK6J0es&e= SoundCloud – https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__soundcloud.app.goo.gl_TCvKGV7Ho91nxdr66&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=l55eLD8f1f6hZaKa_T9TeQ&m=2wQVNYl0XqSV7UG_uzAd6W1tteiv0xnzQgdUzGfIEd0&s=_IKuxB47NRSDsdUHo1Vcmvt20gQdw3g520Cxmae0Vpw&e=