Oh, come on. Don’t get scared and start thinking terrible thoughts because it’s a little dark. That’s how it is before an eclipse.
Light will return and yes, family constellations will have changed.
Daily Fix
This solar eclipse at the Cancer Node suggests that no matter what you may stand to lose pridewise, or have to bend and give up at the front end …
Need an Antidote to current anxiety and impetus to personal growth? Make a deep connection now
22 Jun: Believe it or not
While it may be hard to accept that dark forces have once again returned to invade our domain to threaten our very existence,
thank God for these little guys,
if you know what I mean.
18 Jun: It’s happening tonight
Wait a minute. Quiet. Don’t anybody say a word. I think I’m getting a message. It’s happening tonight. During the occultations. In the dark. maybe over after dinner cognac. A
Secret agreement between individuals we don’t know, affecting you, me, our kids and grandkids. All of us. But it won’t be on the news and we, the uninvited guests, will be the last to know. Hardly seems fair. I’m probably joking around and being spooky. Stay tuned.
18 Jun: What in blazes is going on in your life?
I suppose you could look at it as a kind of
17 Jun: Wtf?
So nice to see people waving and smiling. Only thing I is, something odd about the merry mood.
Hard to tell if it’s the Sadge Full Moon, or medication, or they’re all on the verge of the same nervous breakdown.
17 Jun: Full Moon in Sadge. “you see,Honey? »
”You see, Honey? » Papa would say.
« There’s nothing to be afraid of. Everything’s going to be all right.”
And for those moments on Papa’s lap, it was true.
Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be back there right now.
12 Jun: The Uninvited Player
If you have a tough time reading between the lines, you should probably skip this post. But if you get it, it could be valuable in coming days when ♂☍♄♇ at the nodes:
“ A nosey neighbor risks getting whacked by stumbling in on gangsters’ private poker game.”
09 Jun: Tired o’ livin’ but skeered o’ dyin’
transit of the moment: when Mars in astrological fall, staggering back into proper declination in bounds, is immediately confronted by Saturn Pluto Ketu (like an armed SWAT team), we are reminded of a beleaguered, exhausted outlaw, tired of running, tired of fighting, and what a wicked challenge the System can be, and how one person can take the heat for everyone else’s personal frustration— including yours and mine.