no new news, just people getting fired or caught cheating, edging toward the further collapse of the whole System. People, however, doing their stunningly heroic best to keep from falling apart.
Back on my site and happy to be home. Pardon our appearance. We’re remodeling. Again.
Jupiter Saturn Pluto Mars and Chiron: HOLY MOLEY! When we take a deep look at what we have all just gone through astrologically, what it did to our heads, our…
My piece on the current power of Pluto, Chiron and the Centaur Chariklo to affect our lives in the January-February Astrological Journal (brilliantly edited by Victor Olliver)To buy this issue…
It can take some years to manifest and understand its meaning, but the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is a sign—a cosmic message heralding the arrival and departure of influential and significant…
So is this for real and is the Divine Force actually intervening, or is it a fabulous, elaborate years-in-the-making, cast-of -thousands 5G Technicolor, CGI, spectacular, all talking , all singing,…
11 Jan: Well, Jiminy Cricket! As I live and breathe!
Always let your conscience be your guide, especially since this week when pretty much every member of our woozy civilization is trying to keep from going totally mental.
Continuing the Pluto affair, As Moon approaches astrological aspects to Mars, Saturn , Uranus and Jupiter, what seems impossibly crazily random, may well be part of an impossibly, crazily cosmic…