Daily Fix

12 Jan: Besieged momentarily

While the Sun in Capricorn is besieged between Pluto and the South Node,

Should You just say « screw it « and let the ship go down or do You fight like hell to keep the whole kit and kaboodle afloat
In business or personal life,
it’s between a temptation to embrace abdication and a competitive quest for even greater control.

Haha like you have a big choice!

09 Jan: At Zodiacal end

As we experience a rare transit at the end of the Zodiac, it is wise to simply carry on and go about your business right now, guided only by your instincts and your conscience. If you stop too long to think about where you are, you may see a big black hole in your Big Picture, and unless you normally  embrace Emptiness anyway, that could get really scary.

07 Jan: Don’t think too much now

In fact, don’t think at all.                          Just walk through it.

05 Jan: Forget predictions

Forget predictions and where the planets are for a moment, especially if you’ve ever gotten too close to losing it and  and were waiting around for  a miracle. 

There IS something you’re in control of. It’s difficult to imagine a miracle might ever be happening in the midst of so much grief and deception, in the world or your life, and your patience is already tested beyond all sane limits. But that’s exactly what it takes for an indescribable transformation to occur at  your deepest core. And  when all the Guilt and blame vanish, you open up as never before and the brilliant light dawns. 

So what ARE you in control of? 

Your power to surrender —surrender to the mystery of your life and the truth of your path here.

But, Oy! Till that happens….. The hell  you have to go through sometimes  that’s way too deep and personal to tell anybody about, a person could run screaming down the street—-or at least develop a  wicked cold.      Watch this:

04 Jan: Why, you…?

Why keep going on and on about “May all beings be happy”,
when deep down your guts are churning, you’re on edge, exhausted and frustrated, and have even felt anger or hatred for people and things you normally love?
This moment seems to be presenting a deeply personal test of faith, patience, endurance, and compassion.
But, yeah, why keep It up when you’re just about fed up with all of it and are probably likely to get totally screwed anyway in spite of all your good will and faith?

Gee, I don’t know.
Just doing it, I guess

03 Jan: Hoping

Hoping now more than ever, in these coming  days,  as we continue to pursue successful and fulfilling work and health in  daily mundane life,  we attempt to  end all our illusions, accept  the fact that nothing lasts forever, understand what they mean when they talk about Emptiness, embrace joy with all your heart, forgive all fools and continue on the path of eliminating the pain of others.*

*THAT WILL SURE HELP IN KEEPING THE CRAZIES OUT IF YOUR HEAD, Because the lowest thoughts and actions  are just dying to get in there.

03 Jan: The coming eclipse period…

The coming eclipse period occurs just as chiron passes the end point of Pisces, signaling  a Chiron return and end of the cycle  beginning 1968-69.So prepare for  a Changing of the Guard everywhere—in your own life,too. This is cosmic surgery.

To contact Michael


31 Dec: But…

we shouldn’t think all the pain goes away, poof! Just ‘cause we prayed.

30 Dec: May all fears dissolve into nothingness

 May all pain and suffering disappear. May all who are imprisoned by their own thoughts for any reason be liberated and delivered unto joy. May we all have good laugh.