Try with all your might to keep a balance between
compassion and rage. Much more to come.
Daily Fix
16 Sep: I don’t want to strangle anybody
Mars square Uranus in Taurus with Venus Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn.
“I don’t want to strangle anybody. I don’t want to strangle anybody. I will remain in control of myself. I don’t want to strangle anybody. I’m all about love. I have too much to lose by getting violent. I don’t want to strangle anybody. I don’t want to strangle anybody.
12 Sep: The esoteric magic word now
Think the Saturn direct
message is trivial because it’s from the solar chart? Hate me if you must but
Hahahahaha…keep it handy, then judge. Meanwhile, The esoteric magic word of the time:
but keep going
11 Sep: Even this post
Nuts? Not nuts at all But it sure seems like it. A revolutionary transformation of the human world and society is currently in process,
Kicked off by the US Presidential election (coup) of 2016.
Do not accept what appears on the surface. Always Look below the skin
It’s clown makeup.
Even this Post.
09 Sep: ‘Nuff said
‘Nuff said
Aint over yet, though.
Wait till you see what happens..
the next act is a riot!
08 Sep: the monthly’s in the washing machine
To all my readers
Please Pardon my Pluto.
It seems that in searching for a new format and better way of presenting the material, i’ve caused some confusion.
Please hang on and be patient. I’m preparing something for this new moon that will be a message not just for September but the whole year.
Each Sign will have its own separate extended message, coming out of the images already posted recently with brief descriptions for september.
A few are already up and we had a glitch between Taurus and Virgo.
So we’re working in it so please bear with it as we are seeking a means of expression to help everybody sort out the mess the whole world seems to be in. Don’t worry, though. This is just the Rinse cycle.
Waking up separately with exact same simultaneous realization WTF WAS I THINKING?!?
Thousands of thank-you‘s for all the touching responses I got to yesterday’s post. I assure you I’m fine and I wasn’t complaining—Just letting everybody know that I was aware of…
28 Aug: Moving forward at last,
Mars heading from earth to air prepares long takeoff. Please remain seated with seat belts securely fastened.
26 Aug: Mars direct and revolutionary change
Mars stations direct 27 august before re-entering Aquarius on september 11th, Which, for those interested will be crucial weeks impacting the further collapse of all antiquated systems and the coming revolution which is to follow.
By the way, revolutions are never started by nice people.