Daily Fix

12 Jul: Bouncing from absolute peace to…

With this Jupiter direct and Moon-Pluto eclipse transit going on, it’s natural to be bouncing from the secure feeling deep in your heart that everything is going to work out for the best, and then,

uh-oh, what’s that thing coming out of the floor?

11 Jul: Cancer solar Eclipse opp Pluto

By dawn’s early light I stood on the dock and watched, sobbing and waving wildly, until the ship became a mere tiny point along the western horizon and eventually disappeared.
A morning chill was blowing in from the north, and my world felt so cold, and dark and utterly empty.
How odd it was, to peer into the distance and see only a speck of what had been my whole life.
I continued to weep loudly into the impassive sea in unimaginable anguish and fear of what a future could ever be like.

Suddenly, how odd it was indeed, after several minutes, my whole body twitched. Impossible as it seemed, we could still feel each other!
Despite and beyond the vast growing, agonizing distance, we could feel each other.
Strange and unreal as it may seem to you, we could feel each other.
We still can.
I still do.
I take great comfort in that.
I really do.

10 Jul: A moment of peace and purity

With Venus at Regulus in Virgo, Duccio’s  “Madonna” and Schubert’s “Ave”

09 Jul: On nights when the moon is darkest


don’t be scared. It’s disorienting, out of focus, and spooky, but you can see things other people can’t see. Unfortunately that goes for crazy people, too.


Do you possess the resources needed to fight an inexorable, swirling tide?Understatement of the day/week/month/last umpteen years— don’t fret.

There are options-though timing is crucial here on The dark side of the Moon

06 Jul: Happy Birthday, You Dalai, You

May a thousand lotuses bloom in your garden today and all days, Your H, and as many thanks for all you do. You da Man. Blessings and gratitude. May joy, health and gladness pop out of your cake.  PS You are the cutest, most adorable person on this planet.


04 Jul: Chiron From here to Etetnity

If there IS such a thing as CHOICE over FATE , CHIRON’s current retrograde is showing you a whopper of one to make between July of 2018, and the middle of next February 2019. Could well be a new path for you to follow the next 50 years of your life, depending of course…
So don’t rush it. Contemplate, wonder, doubt, grieve, weep, feel guilty, Exonerate yourself, rejoice, confirm, second guess, take a definite position, Reverse it, Repeat the whole process twenty-nine times, but in the end follow your instinct and intuition, and just go ahead, surrender and trust in the road you actually choose or are chosen to travel on.
I’m seriously not kidding.

30 Jun: 05:00 Saturday 30 June

As of 05:00 when Moon is besieged between Saturn Pluto and Mars South Node, it’s brief, but uncomfortable as all hell. When you can’t avoid thinking you’ve gone and gotten yourself in an awful

26 Jun: What to hang on to

As the retrogrades pile up and smoothe progress is interrupted, plus the dilemmas of what’s the next big thing to do and where should you go, plus the whole identity crisis of why you’re alive- – – none of it is about to get solved right now.   But instead of feeling like you’re being  sewn into a heavy woolen blanket and tossed Into a rowboat during a hurricane, don’t think too far ahead now.  With  the Full Moon on Saturn in Capricorn,

listen again to the message or get it and JUST DO

the next task on the list