Daily Fix

26 Jun: One version of a Sun Saturn wedding

26 Jun: Blame it on Neptune

That’s why nobody’s heard from you

24 Jun: It’s only a movie.

Keep telling yourself, Just keep telling yourself, “It’s only a movie. It’s only a movie.”

23 Jun: As Earth passes Mars…


A weary traveler seek a moment of rest

19 Jun: Spiritually speaking…

Neptune retrograde is kind of a “I don’t give a shit if my lipstick’s not on straight or my fly’s open” attitude. If you’re one of the few folks who  don’t yet have the neptune in pisces message, here it is:

19 Jun: Is it Voodoo or Neptune?

The food was a little bland, service not so hot as if nobody cared, the colors faded, clothes don’t fit quite right, the trip wasn’t what I thought it would be,

People seem kind of zombie-like and vacant, almost like they don’t hear you when you talk to them. They answer with a delayed reaction like a TV reporter in a faraway land, as if their mind is somewhere else, Like they’re thinking about something elsewhere.  Like “Oh, Please. I’ve seen this movie before. I know how it ends.”

Neptune stations retrograde

18 Jun: Don’t fence me in

This is how Some see the current
Venus ♀☍♂Mars opposition in relationships: animal abuse or just plain old good clean fun? Stay tuned 

Oh, and by the way, don’t kid yourself. Both people play both roles.

17 Jun: Venus Mars the perfect couple

The planetary archetype of this current transit suggests such a corny stereotype I almost dare not use it, but It’s too perfect to resist (Don’ be fooled by the cliché of gender.)
Venus north node Leo opposition Mars South node Aquarius
It suggests a glamorous, beautiful, loving, narcissistic, affectionate woman up against a man-going crazy from being trapped in a situation of bondage he himself has created.
Big questions– –How far do you go in the effort to save people from themselves and their destiny? And…can you accept what you are inevitably drawn to?

16 Jun: To all pisceans

especially Pisceans  born between 1961 and 69:
Until your next birthday I need you to become
the world’s best surfer
of the mind.
May all that you hold unspoken and unsolved be  healed.
Beat the wave.


14 Jun: Pluto playing

A long, long time ago in a world far, far away, Mikey’s first live  show