Daily Fix

13 May: Uranus 2010-2018: Lessons learned?

Before we jump into the new transit of Uranus in Taurus, let’s  take a deeper look at  What has just  been happening to all of us over the past seven or eight years. If there is any rational meaning or lasting purpose of the planet Uranus, it is to provide for unusual and even ingenious growth in discovery on your part. It’s what makes mutation and adaptation possible, which factor, let’s face it promotes evolution and  survival of the species.

Ironically it restores balance in your life by destroying your balance and whacking you off your feet. It reminds you of what you have neglected or avoided and where exactly the balance has gone out of your life in that area.It brings unexpected rewards the same way.

It always seems random – the last thing you would ever think of, but actually a shake up you need. Need? 

Who needs disaster, which Uranus does sometimes bring. It represents the challenge of compatibility in certain areas of our  lives and our abilities to adjust to circumstances we have never had a chance to either enjoy or cope with before.

Of course it’s natural to be relieved at the passing successfully of an unusually difficult period, and just as natural to look forward with joy and expectation to a new adventure. It becomes neurotic magical thinking either way, when you put all of your expectation is the change of simple planetary position. As if “now the bad stuff is over and I can really have a good time at last.“

Take right now for instance the 13th to 15 May 2018. It is now leaving where it has affected the sector of your horoscope across which the sign of Aries lies. But one word of wisdom: don’t hoist up the flag just yet.

During the first week of August 2018 Uranus begins a retrograde motion in the first week of November will return to the point it occupies right now At the very end of the sign of Aries. Then in early November it will move forward and Pass across  this same spot for a final time the first week of March 2019

So we have to stay frosty and make sure we have learned all the lessons that transit is trying to teach us.



Can you relate to what we have been learning since 2010?

Aries: Do absolutely everything you can to prove your superpowers while you still have them – within reason or without, of course. At least try to obey the rules. Which you won’t.

Taurus: Prove you can spring back eventually from any unforeseen disaster and forgive the malfeasance of any goofball trying to do you in so when the psychic storm is over you’re still standing.

Gemini: Friends may come and go, but always retain your faith in the goodness of human beings, even as your associations have changed.

Cancer: it’s not about fame or fortune or whether you are a household word or not. It’s about how people think of you and how they look up to you after you have touched them and they you.

Leo How your mind has grown and your behavior developed! All of your relationships have risen to a higher level even if your choices in partner come at a different cultural level.

Virgo: Althoughyou may have had to deal with what seems like insurmountable debt, be proud of how your  sexual authenticity has grown and deepened for

a more fulfilling expression.

Libra: you have been learning that granting freedom and independence to those you love is not abandonment at all. It shows a new way of bonding and understanding the needs of others.

Scorpio Taking care of your health, listening to your body and finding alternative measures to remain well have been your full time job. You’ve also learned how to use your ingenuity at work and live by your wits and genius.

Sagittarius: Parents and Children have to go their own separate ways-that’s part of life as your creativity has grown with children or without.What  remains is a bond of love that never leaves the heart.

Capricorn: Likeany organic entity the family itself eventually mmolts and changes. No matter how you try to hold it together and disruptive it may seem, the growth of disruption and transformation is not only inevitable. It is healthy.

Aquarius: living two lives as you have had to do, you have learned flexibility and I’ve gained a new respect for honesty and communication. Asthreatening as that can be sometimes, no matter how many roofs and separations there have been communication reunites.

Pisces: It may seem strange, but even if you were the richest person in the world or the thriftiest seven years ago, you have been challenged to tap into your wily resourcefulness. As a Pisces, financial security may not be your ultimate goal but it sure has been a trip to stay even close to being on top of the money thing.

10 May: Ur0Tau May your landing be soft

parachute at sunset silhouetted

09 May: The secret of life right now

08 May: Last days of Uranus in Aries.

Can be an unexpected  kick in the head, but a blessing in total disguise.

07 May: With uranus approaching Taurus

Don’t do it! Don’t do it!

06 May: Stormy weather predicted?

Stormy weather, definitely, but then again, it will all depend on where you’re at and what position you take.

03 May: Looking into the future today

This area of the Zodiac will dominate most of 2020 and will kick in permanently in ‘23. Why think about it now? It’s active right  now and leading to The Big Shift in the world, your life and mine.This message is going to be short( 500+ words)  but a whopper from Mars, at 00:55, 16 May,  The same day Ramadan begins,  as you’ll see midmonth.Don’t count the words. Take the meaning to heart.If you found value in the VANITY FAIR piece from 2006, and enjoyed reading BOOOMM!! from 2016, you’re gonna LOVE this:

02 May: Gee, whizzikers!

From the looks of things at the moment, Chiron in Aries doesn’t seem to be about much cozy togetherness, does it?

02 May: For the rest of 2018?

30 Apr: A little Unsure of yourself?

So odd, isn’t it? So many things you’ve always taken for granted about yourself and found confidence in – – your looks, your talent, job, resources, relationships or whatever—suddenly you’re feeling  vulnerable and unsure…don’t worry. We’ll tackle that. It’s just Chiron and baby’s first steps.

Like being on another planet. Gotta watch your step.