Daily Fix

22 Sep: Pluto: your personal life changes

Pluto Messages you should keep

If you don’t have all of these Pluto  messages safely in a folder, get them now so you can trace your own  history before it happened. See how you have  personally changed, and ask yourself  why, and where you’re going because of it:

The Vanity Fair piece 2006

The following three messages are still for purchase: valuable right now in following why you absolutely  had to do what you did, no turning back.

Pluto at zero: 2008  

The plot thickens 2013

why  your life took the unavoidable and unexpected  turn

BOOOMM!! The end of life as we know it ‘nuff said



21 Sep: Did that all really happen?

As you scramble around, dry out and put the pieces back together again, is the tremendous impact of the recent solar eclipse finally hitting?
It’s like waking up married in Vegas!

21 Sep: Venus, Mars, Mercury in Virgo

the maintenance one’s own purpose and singularity:
Although we may be moving in opposite directions from those we deeply love, we are still bonded together.

20 Sep: Well it better not be the end of the world.

Just when I get the new website up and finally lose weight.
True, Pluto is about to go into its final phase in Capricorn at its own South node September 28th. And we’re all getting together that night to welcome the new regime. Tinfoil hats and food rations will be supplied. Click here and Be there.

20 Sep: Ok,Virgo means keep it clean

But let’s not go overboard. A kiss is still a kiss.

Besides, a lot of Virgos change their underwear only when company’s coming.


the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
synonyms: finale, final scene, epilogue, coda, end, ending, finish, close; More
the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear.
synonyms: outcome, upshot, consequence, result, end; PAYOFF

Now you see why I have been hounding everybody it’s life-changing

16 Sep: Omg! Is that how other people see me?

Venus at the Eclipse  point

16 Sep: Venus and your emotional truth

As Venus arrives at the Eclipse point, the truth to take away from the whole Xperience regarding intimacy and emotional authenticity should be clear–
you can hack it.

13 Sep: Venus toasts your marshmallow again

Venus approaches the Eclipse point.

Eclipses do often accompany states of temporary madness. They engender deeply hidden thoughts, wishes, desires and actions. They often usher in people, events and situations that couldn’t possibly happen to you, because they’re utterly unthinkable, but actually occur to alter your plan and change your life style.

They often augur the manifestation of your inner wishes and desires for good or ill.
Temporary insanity, you say?
Love IS the best sort of temporary insanity money can’t buy.
Oh, yes, that could be a plot twist stranger than any fiction writer could dream up.

It’s the ember in the ashes, yes, yes,
The ember in the ashes.

Relationships, business or personal, spawned in the shadow during the time of an eclipse, especially the August 2017 solar eclipse in close and favorable configuration to the planet Uranus, will tend to have surprising repercussions as well as unexpected and unpredictable rhythms. They will blow hot and cold. They will tend to burn bright, then appear to fizzle out, go dark and be extinguished.
They will flare brightly, and just as intensely seem to flicker out and be over, but…they may not be ending at all.

Oddly and out of the blue, and, Unlikely as it is, they could be strangely and suddenly rekindled.
Like the glowing ember under a pile of cold ashes, you’ll probably have to tend that ember into a glowing flame again and again—if you want to toast your little marshmallow now and then.
Which you probably will.

But don’t blame me. You can thank that Fairy Godmother of yours, who for some reason or other keeps sticking her magic wand into your business.

10 Sep: Keep it stable but keep it fresh

All relationships, business and personal, Are like a scrumptious  meal.  They can be eye-popping and nutritious,   or wilted and spoiled .

The trick right now ,  with planets  in all four elements, is  to find a way to keep them stable and interesting at the same time without wrecking them. Read the weekly