Oh, now I get it. Finally. So that’s what it means.
Love is something I already have plenty of to give,
not sit around waiting to get.
Daily Fix
07 Sep: embarrassed by the north node?
No need to be embarrassed if you feel like an actor suddenly caught Naked on a stage.
You haven’t made a fool of yourself at all.
Expressing yourself authentically does indeed show your raw vulnerability.
It also triggers true creative courage and can actually turn out to be a source of growing emotional power.
06 Sep: It ain’t over yet
The eclipse is far from over.
Just wait till Venus gets there around the 17th-18th of september.
Then you’ll see why I begged everyone to stay in the North node
And why, against all odds and across all lines,
There is no escape from the need for intimacy,
05 Sep: Why i love pisces
Because I can’t resist being in love with the whole universe and never could.
04 Sep: There’s nowhere to run
Mercury directed the eclipse point:
A futile attempt to escape authentic intimacy
03 Sep: From August 22
As Mars moves to the Eclipse Point the first couple of days of September, you should clearly see the effects of your actions and responses during the big moment. And…you’ll understand why there is absolutely no turning back. If you came truly from the heart you’re ahead of the game.
03 Sep: Uh-oh. A little voice in your head…
A little voice in your head starting to whisper, “what were you thinking?”
If So, it’s ok if you Kinda feel like the guy above.
03 Sep: Eclipse takeaway to remember
Mercury and Mars over the eclipse point to remember for a long time:
In all matters of human intimacy–on stage, in the bedroom or the Board Room,
01 Sep: Mars at 28leo
Passionate, intimate human love ignited by affectionate aggression.
Appreciate it but never take it for granted
01 Sep: Mars at the Eclipse point
Now that you have seen into the deepest Core of your heart—Now you know…
Flattened by the memory of unsustainable ecstasy, Marushka moaned.
If you can’t take misery, she smiled, ” at all costs stay away from love.”