Mikey's World News
When the coup took place…Mars was where the Moon is now. And Mars is approaching that point in the next several days signal the harbinger of revolution. It’s subtle but…
Bush struck Iraq with Sun at 29pisces. Chiron there now. It’s going to be a mess like u cant believe, but it’s all part of the coming world upheaval.
Cohen said this, mueller did that, putin said this, assad did that, salome solomkin did this , madatucci did that. Know this. You do not know who did what to…
When the coup took place…Mars was where the Moon is now. And Mars is approaching that point in the next several days signal the harbinger of revolution. It’s subtle but…
Bush struck Iraq with Sun at 29pisces. Chiron there now. It’s going to be a mess like u cant believe, but it’s all part of the coming world upheaval.
Cohen said this, mueller did that, putin said this, assad did that, salome solomkin did this , madatucci did that. Know this. You do not know who did what to…