2018 March

13 Mar: Dark moon approaches chiron


Yes,  Life is precarious,  but nothing is written, so please don’t anybody stand up in the boat.


Copyright Michael Lutin 2017  This material may not be copied or used in any medium existing now or in future formats for any reason, without the express permission of Michael…

12 Mar: During the following test

Stay absolutely still. Better yet play dead And you’ll be fine.

12 Mar: Water is….


Remember that?

11 Mar: Everybody needs help now

No joke  this Chiron thing. Rich, poor-Young, old-Healthy, sick-Successful, struggling… Everyone yearns  now for a state of grace to put their weary mind at ease. More to come


08 Mar: Chiron’s Healing Wisdom

 This message is for everyone and everyone in the world should see it.  Ok I’ll say it. From the 15th of March on, pretty much everybody will be either in a high state of spiritual oneness, or be losing it and going utterly MENTAL. New Moon with Chiron at the end of the Zodiac. Here’s a guide to wellness and sanity. Read A Guide To Redemption and Happiness in a Time of Confusion and  Change