2018 March

31 Mar: MarsSaturnPluto Power

Mars conjunct Saturn/Pluto: supreme joy in reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and accomplishing the impossible by carefully and skillfully exercising caution and expertise, ORLanding in the hospital with a cracked skull because you ran across a wet floor when you were in a big, stupid hurry

29 Mar: 2020: How to get there from here

Keep this message till 2020 and it will appreciate in value: If you want to figure out what’s going to happen, look where you are right now, what you’re trying to do, and how you must handle Saturn to do it.
In text, audio or both:

January 2020   Sun, Moon, Saturn, Pluto
A formal ceremony
A parade honoring the dead and fallen
Heroes decorated
A most solemn occasion
A gathering of the powerful
Somber turning point in history
Power shifts, the end of an era
The initiation of a New World

MARCH 2018

Why now? What’s the connection?
The transiting Sun is connecting an exalted Mars, dignified Saturn and Pluto on its own South Node as a harbinger and precurrence to the events of January 2020.
This configuration triggers political, economic, global and even personal changes in your life. Events that seem random and small right now are not. They are the seeds that will grow and manifest in January 2020. What we do right now with prudence, forethought, vision, diligence and integrity will bring us closer to the goal we may have.

It may seem irrelevant at the moment, small, insignificant and slow moving, but these planetary aspects signify important meetings and contacts, big powwow’s, conferences with heads of organizations, kings and heads of state. Policy makers formulate and put into practice measures which can change history. On your personal level, you formally initiate or put into operation a long term plan, and work painstakingly towards an end, despite any and all obstacles.

Here is a view of how to work with Saturn during this period for all twelve Sun and Rising Signs:—yours and everybody else’s in your life




28 Mar: Mars stronger than Venus?

Venus( in detriment) conjunct Uranus:You want to pull away and go where you goddamned well please. With Mars (exalted) in Capricorn, however, for the moment it’s  a lot smarter to pretend to obey.

25 Mar: All Libras & Libra Risings:

 With Mars, Saturn and Pluto currently in your solar fourth house, I strongly suggest you read my e-book “CHILDHOOD RISING” The Astrology of your mother,  your father and you. NOW.


2018 Is the year of profound spiritual crisis when you will have decided what you were going to leave behind and what to take with you.
(Chiron at 29)

23 Mar: You’ve been lied to.

You’ve been lied to. They say there’s a good reason, though. You have been lied to for something they’re calling anthropological purposes. But now the lie has turned against you…

22 Mar: One taste of happiness

With Venus/ Pluto, people do anything for One taste of “happiness”,especially if it’s taboo. Depending on where they are in your birth chart, behavior gets outrageous. Even the quick Transit, when Venus squares Pluto end of the week, I pity the kid who tries to deliver the pizza.Read this week’s weekly.

20 Mar: Snap out of it?

“You gotta get over it! You gotta get over it! Go on with your life! You’re not finished yet!”.
Sometimes that kind of pom-pom cheerleader encouragement could make you scream and feel worse, but right now, it’s absolutely true.
You gotta pull out of it. Why?
The transiting Sun, Giver of Life, separates from Chiron and enters Aries.
Nobody’s denying you’ve been through one hell of a psychedelic acid trip.
It should at least have brought you to the Realization of how ridiculous and stupid it is to focus on the most absurd dreams, fantasies, and petty concerns When life is so preciously and brief!
It has been a mind expanding experience the last few weeks, and it’s not over yet. But at least you can begin to pull away from the pain and get stronger, which you are already doing. As you begin to separate from the pain created either by external trauma or the creations of your own mind, your head begins to clear.
Whether it’s been a case of real live events, unrealistic expectations or self torture about horrible things that have not even happened, you now live more fully, more deeply involved and committed, and able to enjoy how much you’ve got to live for. Three cheers for that.
You’re alive! You’re alive! You’re alive!

19 Mar: Sun leaves Pisces

In these last few hours of Sun’s passage out of Pisces may all beings suspend judgment, prediction and fear. May all animals and humans sleep in safety and peace. May doubt and confusion become joyous clarity. May guilt and worry be a thing of the past. May no harm come to any being with a true heart. May all doors be open to those with honorable intentions.May all efforts come to good. May all reports bring good news.