Mikey's World News
Mars at 0° Aquarius is the point at which Donald Trump was elected In 2016. This Point will turn out to herald a revolution and transformation, Not only in…
Thousands of thank-you‘s for all the touching responses I got to yesterday’s post. I assure you I’m fine and I wasn’t complaining—Just letting everybody know that I was aware of…
SCARY THINGS CAN HAPPEN, BUT DON’T LET THAT SCARE YOU. Beginning in 2007 With Pluto entering Capricorn and eventually crossing the Ecliptic in to the South… a complete transformation in…
Mars at 0° Aquarius is the point at which Donald Trump was elected In 2016. This Point will turn out to herald a revolution and transformation, Not only in…
Thousands of thank-you‘s for all the touching responses I got to yesterday’s post. I assure you I’m fine and I wasn’t complaining—Just letting everybody know that I was aware of…
SCARY THINGS CAN HAPPEN, BUT DON’T LET THAT SCARE YOU. Beginning in 2007 With Pluto entering Capricorn and eventually crossing the Ecliptic in to the South… a complete transformation in…