Daily Fix

09 Apr: Hey, where’s everybody going?

  What’s with all this quitting-your-job-and-moving-out-of-state business? You think life’s going to be wonderful just because you change the scene? Stay tuned for more on the astrology of That.

09 Apr: Squeezing through

Although maybe much narrower, can’t give up.

YOU STILL HAVE OPTIONS getting in or getting the hell out

08 Apr: Hello from sanity

this now with MARS/SATURN/PLUTO battling CHIRON/NEPTUNE: Right while you’re smack in the middle of doing something really really stupid and crazy, the sane part of you taps your insane mind on its shoulder, and whispers, “Hey Buddy, do you realize your unconscious drives, wishes and instincts have locked you into to this same idiotic, self-destructive thing you’re doing—exactly the same shit you’ve already been doing a million times with the same moronic result? You’re its prisoner!”
And you whisper back, “ I know. I know, but I’m busy at the moment. l’ll get back to you.”
And your sane mind thinks to itself , » Jesus! I AM doing something crazy. »
And then you keep doing it till you’re done.

07 Apr: To the unknown future

May all beings who have endured a crippling tragedy be liberated from their pain and sorrow, and may they soon receive wonderful news which, like a magic carpet, flies them toward a heretofore unimagined, adventurous future. WARNING: Do not confabulate. There’s always a twist.

05 Apr: You gotta be kidding me.

You mean the only way out of this Chiron thing is prayer? Damn!

04 Apr: Ev..ery…thing…seems..to be…….ta..king…sooo…long… to…ha…..pppp..en……

Ev..ery…thing…seems..to be…….ta..king…sooo…long… to…ha…..pppp..en……
But the you can’t rush the process when forever is involved.

02 Apr: A fun-filled Moon in Scorpio day

31 Mar: MarsSaturnPluto Power

Mars conjunct Saturn/Pluto: supreme joy in reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and accomplishing the impossible by carefully and skillfully exercising caution and expertise, ORLanding in the hospital with a cracked skull because you ran across a wet floor when you were in a big, stupid hurry

29 Mar: 2020: How to get there from here

Keep this message till 2020 and it will appreciate in value: If you want to figure out what’s going to happen, look where you are right now, what you’re trying to do, and how you must handle Saturn to do it.
In text, audio or both:

January 2020   Sun, Moon, Saturn, Pluto
A formal ceremony
A parade honoring the dead and fallen
Heroes decorated
A most solemn occasion
A gathering of the powerful
Somber turning point in history
Power shifts, the end of an era
The initiation of a New World

MARCH 2018

Why now? What’s the connection?
The transiting Sun is connecting an exalted Mars, dignified Saturn and Pluto on its own South Node as a harbinger and precurrence to the events of January 2020.
This configuration triggers political, economic, global and even personal changes in your life. Events that seem random and small right now are not. They are the seeds that will grow and manifest in January 2020. What we do right now with prudence, forethought, vision, diligence and integrity will bring us closer to the goal we may have.

It may seem irrelevant at the moment, small, insignificant and slow moving, but these planetary aspects signify important meetings and contacts, big powwow’s, conferences with heads of organizations, kings and heads of state. Policy makers formulate and put into practice measures which can change history. On your personal level, you formally initiate or put into operation a long term plan, and work painstakingly towards an end, despite any and all obstacles.

Here is a view of how to work with Saturn during this period for all twelve Sun and Rising Signs:—yours and everybody else’s in your life




28 Mar: Mars stronger than Venus?

Venus( in detriment) conjunct Uranus:You want to pull away and go where you goddamned well please. With Mars (exalted) in Capricorn, however, for the moment it’s  a lot smarter to pretend to obey.