
23 Nov: Cazimi of Jupiter

Starting right now, During the coming few days while Jupiter is as if in the heart of the Sun, it will be wise to Identify with generosity and good fortune….

21 Nov: Virgo takes the hit

Mutable T-square Full Moons always mean mad running around and this month, it’s Virgos who take the hit in the whole Sign house Occupied by Virgo. On another note, we…

16 Nov: A kiss from Venus

Venus direct at the end of Libra sends a kiss of joy and compassion to everyone in the world, especially a healing blessing for any who suffered back in 1983.

14 Nov: Why me? That’s why.

When Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune are turning around In different directions , Pluto has gone South, a Full Moon is on the way, and Saturn is demanding decisions and actions you’re not quite ready to embrace yet, not to mention the complete Mental-making chaos Chiron is causing deep
in your head…..you have two choices:

13 Nov: Runners

Ever wonder what it is that gives one runner the urge ( maybe wisdom maybe courage ) to just say screw-it-I’m-outta-here and drop out of the race, and another runner the burst of stubborn persistence ( maybe faith maybe courage ) to keep going?
No need to comment. Just think about it.

12 Nov: So many good-byes now