kaitlin COPPOCK and michael LUTIN welcome all beings on Earth to celebrate WORLD REGULUS DAY Thursday, August…
Thanks may thrill high-rolling gamblers, but can create waves of anxiety in the rest of us. Depending on your state of mind, expectations can run the gamut from winning a shiny,…
Retrograde Mars conjoined the South Node of the Moon also during Pomoeii in AD 79. Just sayin’.
URANUS BACK INTO THEN LEAVING ARIES GRADUATION DAY 6 march 2019 The departure of a planet from any Sign gives us the most meaningful delineation of an entire transit, sometimes…
The aftermath of an eclipse means that we must now make the changes brought on by the eclipse, so it’s not really “over.” And this Mars transit we’ve been talking…
LUNAR ECLIPSE 27-28 july 2018 04 degrees Aquarius One thing I will say for Miles. He never left Grandma’s bedside the whole time. He sat there for hours on end,…
If you are even partially disabled now, you’re in good company. “…Feel..weak…exposed…vulnerable…dizzy.. x-Ray vision failing….seem to be losing powers…can’t fly.. can barely walk..What’s happening?” Suddenly weakened by the dreaded Kryptonite, even Superman…
Click below This is exactly the issue
It’s not just Aquarians who are totally out of it with Mars in their sign going retrograde. Many individuals are likely to be blown away over the next couple of…