
10 Feb: Arrrgghh! It hits you…

Aargh! It Hits you, hits me and hits everybody. It comes over you, right while you are doing something important – – like getting the kids safely on a school…

30 Jan: Beach Reading summer 2018

Planets in capricorn /aquarius this week: We’re on the brink of world revolution! No, we’re not! we’re not! No, we’re not!  We’re on the brink of world revolution! No, we’re…

21 Jan: Mars at the end of Scorpio

With The transit of the Scorpio Mars just about over, a high voltage surge has been released, the energy nearly spent now. The wild animals within you have eaten, and…

14 Jan: Weekly and beyond 15 january

WEEKLY AND BEYOND 15 january 2018 Capricorn Capricorn rising The Neptune Chiron effect is operating for Capricorns too, and believe me, you poop out when nobody’s looking same as everybody…

12 Nov: Venus Jupiter conjunction

VENUS JUPITER TRANSIT And unto them that day came the Holy Spirit and saith: “Rejoice! For as the dog lieth down with the owl, so shall then Wisdom be protected…