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Happy World Regulus Day

kaitlin COPPOCK and michael LUTIN welcome all beings on Earth to celebrate

             WORLD REGULUS DAY
               Thursday, August 23
We know about when Venus  squares Pluto, Mars is retrograde but exalted in Capricorn, and   Mercury is finally going direct.
There’s something else worthy of note, however.
This is also the week, however, to get on our  tippy toes and take a look at a higher meaning of our lives right now as the Sun conjoins Regulus at 0° Virgo.
Regulus, also called Alpha Leonis, in the “heart of the lion” is a first magnitude star so far away that the light we see from it now when we look up in the sky was sent to Earth more than 70 years ago.
We think that its  position relative to the path of the Earth  around the Sun  gives it a prominent  and well in our horoscopes.
The passage of that star in 2012  from 29° of Leo to 0° Virgo  represents a significant paradigm change in the consciousness of beings down here on the planet—specifically  from the “divine right of kings” and the sign of Leo
for the next 2000 years,  to the  “ ascension of the common woman”
 in Virgo.
This will create a worldwide commitment to the stewardship of our planet  and mastery of our return to purity of Nature.
As the Sun passes under the light of Regulus on August 23rd, it reminds all of us to awaken to our higher potential. It suggests the effort on all our parts to raise the level on which we manifest our own individual Solar Energy.
Regulus transmits its message of light to To our Sun, which in turn passes its message onto us and refreshes our humble search to be excellent,  moral  and true to the Zodiacal Sun Sign  under which we were individually  born. On Thursday, August 23   When our Sun  passes under Regulus, it’s a moment when we can get in touch with our higher selves and our commitment to be the best we can be for the path we are following in this lifetime.
We thought it might be a great idea to focus our energy has an astrological community at the moment the Sun  passes under Regulus as our re-stating our commitment to receive the energy from  Alpha Leonis, the heart of the lion, and accept our responsibility and commitment as citizens of the Galaxy.
Here are kaitlin Coppock’s suggestions
How we might all formally welcome our Higher Sun:

Comments (2)

I look forward to seeing this unfold. I found it interesting that the light we see today, left Regulus more than 70 years ago. I turn 71 in a few weeks, 10 Virgo Sun.
Also, you mentioned the paradigm change in the consciousness from the “divine right of kings” and the sign of Leo
for the next 2000 years, to the “ ascension of the common woman” in Virgo. I have felt, for as long as I can remember, that it was time that males relinquish power, and give women the power and control, they have been denied for millennia. They certainly couldn’t screw things up any more than the males have.
I hope to see a brighter future, one day.

Yay! Regulus back in Virgo!
Look up Mike’s article, “Regulus Enters Virgo: the Pope Faints!”

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