2020 February

14 Feb: My Valentine Toast:

To Everyone I have ever loved and still do, and to all those I haven’t met or loved yet, get ready, here I come!

12 Feb: “Come back, Jim Maynard,

come back.”

08 Feb: So you wake up in the dark on a full moon day

Full of expectation with the moon in Leo on the western horizon and of course the dread of Saturn Pluto Still hanging over your head in the 12th house And you’ve just got to train yourself to meditate out of  imagining the darkest scenario, shoo away the spooks and remember this is an adventure and you’ll handle it all.

05 Feb: Don’t just stand there petrified. Do something.

It turns out that the aftermath of SaturnPluto doesn’t END anxiety-producing feelings. It UNLEASHES the events producing them. So, yeah, I understand. I know just how you must feel until you take Some positive action.


Relationships can flip in 2 1/2 seconds. I wouldn’t exactly call it disloyal to your betrayal, mainly because it goes both ways. People you dissed or who dissed you ages…