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Tough chick, this Queen.

whaddaya expect? a tough chick (Capricorn
She may not have all the astrology lingo down perfect yet, but she spotted this here now Pluto transit comin’ In’ straight at her from Day One, lIke a knuckle ball in slow motion in the ninth inning Of the World Series.
And she called it, cause she’s got a nose like a bookie. So she can tell her own blood from a mile away who is and who ain’t.  (Capricorn
Rising). She may not have all the astrology lingo down perfect yet, but she spotted this here now Pluto transit comin’ In’ straight at her from Day One, lIke a knuckle ball in slow motion in the ninth inning Of the World Series.
And she called it, cause she’s got a nose like a bookie. So she can tell her own blood from a mile away who is and who ain’t.