06 Sep: Rosh Hashannah

The New Moon in Virgo at Sunset Rosh Hashanah, As this Holy day Begins the Jewish New Year celebration, May no living creature suffer, or fall ill. May no one…

30 Aug: Mikey,Jeremiah and Celine

Did a Podcast with As Woo Woo As You Want. Check it out here: Apple Podcasts – https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__podcasts.apple.com_us_podcast_as-2Dwoo-2Dwoo-2Das-2Dyou-2Dwant_id1457111855-3Fi-3D1000532964104&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=l55eLD8f1f6hZaKa_T9TeQ&m=2wQVNYl0XqSV7UG_uzAd6W1tteiv0xnzQgdUzGfIEd0&s=Y2sseMOaV99Xi7-yhTox1a_-PTimjX7LrVfvNK6J0es&e= SoundCloud – https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__soundcloud.app.goo.gl_TCvKGV7Ho91nxdr66&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=l55eLD8f1f6hZaKa_T9TeQ&m=2wQVNYl0XqSV7UG_uzAd6W1tteiv0xnzQgdUzGfIEd0&s=_IKuxB47NRSDsdUHo1Vcmvt20gQdw3g520Cxmae0Vpw&e=

27 Aug: I Kid you not

No no

23 Aug: The Serpent hAtches

When the planet Saturn reaches its point of changing direction from retrograde during the first week of October, your own life will reawaken and the machinery of your destiny will…

18 Aug: MAYBE, just MAYBE…

Who knows? MAYBE Because They Judy want the Real Estate for the WATERS and the PLENTIFUL FOOD. And maybe they never had mothers who taught them to knock first ask nicely, so they have to learn some manners the hard way.

17 Aug: Uranus stations Retro

Uranus StAtions in Tsurus. Near enough to Saturn.

« I’m rich! I’m rich’ I’m rich! Im rich!«

08 Aug: Under the sunbeams

Under the healing rays of our glorious Sun during this Lunation in the sign of Leo, May all afflictions, fear or thoughts of deception and malfeasance currently plaguing beings vanish…

05 Aug: Thé object of the game:

Finding a way to communicate as if your life depends upon it , while never Losing your cool and forgetting it’s a game.

29 Jul: Moments of calm

It is during those moments when to keep from screaming you absolutely must focus on one-pointedness of mind.
Oddly enough, however,that’s when you can’t.
But you must.
But you can’t.
But you must.
But you can’t.
But you must.