
07 Nov: Never fear.

Although we are all at the moment under similar Saturn Pluto grievous pressures of uncertainty and anxiety-producing situations, may any suffering turn to joy. May whatever is currently bugging you scram out of your life

and may you never get stuck in traffic

and have to go to the bathroom.

01 Nov: Of course it all depends what you consider a disaster.


The exact  Sun opposition Uranus lunation is also the signature of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, which, in a way, Leaves you to dig yourself out of the ton of bricks you just got hit by

01 Nov: Chiron in Aries first look


31 Oct: Only a movie…..

  Occultation of Saturn Pluto thursday night through Saturday ….minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic,…

31 Oct: Well this recent lunation sure showed us something, didn’t it?

While Saturn Pluto is making us all feel half dead, The Sun Uranus opposition comes along with one heck of an electrifying zapperoo, lights us up like a Christmas tree to let us all know we’re still Very much alive with all our cravings and aversions.

30 Oct: When earthly worries and concerns get too heavy,

When life’s earthly pressures and worries begin to weigh too heavily on the mind, It is not unusual during a Scorpio lunation, to seek release in obsessive distractions, any and all of which prove to be fulfilling only in the moment.

28 Oct: It may all be just a game, but…

With this New Moon, If you have just been thrown a wicked curveball…

let me know if I can help