Daily Fix

06 Oct: A SATURN PLUTO true story

Quite recently a close friend of mine, at barely thirty years of age,received a grim diagnosis of an advanced fatal illness for which there was no remedy.

At one point right while redecorating his home one evening he collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. The medical staff at the time doubted he would make it through the night.

The next morning early I rushed to the hospital and timidly approached his room, fearing what I would find.

To my great surprise there was Ken, sitting up in a chair and having pancakes and bacon for breakfast.
“Ken!” I exclaimed in and mixture of joy and shock. “Last night they said you…”

“Michael, » he interrupted, « Have you forgotten? I AM A CAPRICORN! »
Then proudly he added, « Do you think I would actually leave an apartment half-painted?“

02 Oct: The look on you face….

As Saturn Pluto approaches, …..when, already late for work, you rush out of the house, get all the way down the block and suddenly think you left the gas on …..

30 Sep: Are we just kidding ourselves?

Or do we get a shot at living Our lives differently?

28 Sep: Michaelmas 29 september

May all beings
On all worlds
be protected for the Good of all
under the blessing of
St. Michael Archangel

28 Sep: Spookymoment

In the dark with a twelfth house Mars.
Spooky as hell, mainly because you’re sure you’re alone in the room and you don’t believe in ghosts. And yet……

26 Sep: I get it. I really do.

sometimes a total


has to precede total reconstruction and renewal that will always follow. So no matter how absolutely sick  of everybody’s  bullshit  you  get, don’t waste valuable and honored connections.




15 Sep: Something big and wonderful, or…..

Something Wonderful?

With this FULL MOON IN PISCES the doors of perception have opened. You have had the rare opportunity to look deep within yourself and see the need you have for authentic  emotional expression. It has given you a peek through the keyhole of Heaven’s Gate, and no matter where you were or how you spent the full moon,  you’ve seen the need for love and your wish and ability to express it.

Or not.

The Moon now  has passed  on from Pisces to Chiron in Aries, Where a finger of caution is wagging at you.

So it’s hard to know if something big and wonderful has been revealed to you or it’s just another  fantasy  igone wild.

Let us not be hasty in our judgment of ourselves in this new adventure that is about to unfold.