Daily Fix

07 Jun: Full Moon in Sadge on a Jupiter Station

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it…

06 Jun: Venus returns to Taurus

all honor to Aphrodite and the Iris and love

05 Jun: Snow white wakes up

Week of june 5,  2017:

An offer is made.

more to come

29 May: Difficult decisions lead you to a crisis of faith or absolute faith


Any Difficult decisions facing you create either a crisis of faith or bring you to absolute faith:
The Mars square to Chiron at the end of Pisces brings up the issue again..
Because a lurking background theme keeps playing over and over in your head, like a stupid old song you keep singing to yourself that repeats and repeats in your ear until
you could scream.
Only you don’t scream.
A dialogue you have with yourself between faith and futility. Life presents a conundrum, a set of seemingly impossible choices standing before you,
All of which seem both viable, attractive and abhorrent at the same time.
We look at it this week as Mars squares Chiron– the conflict between holding in your doubt, frustration and confusion or acting out rage and feeling guilty afterwards.
Rational and irrational at the same time, you know you are turning a major corner in your life, and options are narrowing.
You cannot stay exactly where you are on this, mainly because as everything is eternally changing,no condition remains stable.
The Universe is constantly in motion, a dynamic kaleidoscope of abstract images, a symphony of noise and static that may actually be speaking to you if you can calm your mind long enough to hear what It is saying.

When we first posted the Chiron/Pisces message back in 2011, we had this period right now in mind, certainly useful until Chiron’s departure from Pisces in early 2019. Since we think it’s a helpful reminder as we all go along our path, we post this often. A lot of folks know it well already, but if you’re new here, you can still get it.

27 May: Mutable TSquare Challenges Everyone

The tsquare challenges everyone ( especially Virgos or anyone else with mid to late mutables or 10-12 Fixed),
The presence of uranus brings unexpected good news in the middle of bad
Into the mix comes a newly enlivened Venus to conjoin uranus. Also good news for the triumph of Venus over tribulation.

Candor, honesty, courage and independence all supplynew twists that can save you last minute from a Fall into the vat of boiling oil any hot confrontations Mars and Saturn can push you into.
The tsquare itself is
Pardon the profanity a

Mindfuck demanding clever wiggling:

Mars Gemini
Saturn Sadge
Chiron Pisces
Uranus Aries

Here’s the braintwister in a nutshell:
The urge to act out of rage or instinct suppressed by conscience or guilt, all fueled by the irrepressible hope of f
Finding viable and positive options to a complicated set of circumstances as a way of battling an undercurrent of futility.

Oy. But you can do it if you stay centered and operate out of north node consciousness

25 May: Pardon our bugs

This is our brand-new website we’re totally jazzed about it. There may be some glitches in the beginning but have we got surprises for you

19 May: The Nodes and the eclipse

If you follow the north node for the next 18 months you’re bound to discover gold. Only thing is, you have to recognize it when you see it,  and not blow it with imbecilic distractions .



02 May: Stay still a minute


29 Apr: Well, it doesn’t HAVE to be about murdering your whole family.

Couldn’t this be Mars in Gemini too?