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As Mercury retro comes to an end

Remember it’s toward the end of Mercury retrogrades  when vacations are nearly over, the  associations formed during it begin to fade away, and the flow of  real Life is about to resume, that people get most antsy, rush and get pressured into  decisions, and start out on journeys before they fill up the tank. Especially this period rife with retros, when nothing is crystallizing till September. Bottom line: mental cases abound.

Comments (3)

Timely and kindly words of wisdom! Somehow…

I usually come across freaky people when the moons in Aquarius. (Not my Aquarian kids of course).
If you weren’t such a hike to get to I’d bring you tomatoes. I picked 10 big ones today and about 30 cherries.
Plus i cooked up a bunch to freeze for winter.

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