2019 August

13 Aug: The superior conjunction of Sun Venus

The superior conjunction of Venus to the Sun: a sign of deep, great abiding heart-connection love between you and another Being, even when your lives take You on different paths.

12 Aug: Michaellutin.com: the mission statement

 What do you need to know when you need to know it.  And even before.

12 Aug: URANUS STATIONS: first bump

Sometimes surprises are wonderful. I have often joked, if you were having a transit of the planet Uranus, and it’s making you nervous, just think of the worst possible outcome and…

11 Aug: Gotta start a new life?

Yes, I agree, under ♄♇♃☋ to start a new life, you may to want consider the witness relocation program, although we can see how some people are already overdoing it.


not what you thinksee the weekly