
11 Sep: Even this post

Nuts? Not nuts at all But it sure seems like it. A revolutionary transformation of the human world and society is currently in process,
Kicked off by the US Presidential election (coup) of 2016.
Do not accept what appears on the surface. Always Look below the skin
It’s clown makeup.
Even this Post.

09 Sep: ‘Nuff said

‘Nuff said
Aint over yet, though.
Wait till you see what happens..
the next act is a riot!

08 Sep: the monthly’s in the washing machine

To all my readers
Please Pardon my Pluto.
It seems that in searching for a new format and better way of presenting the material, i’ve caused some confusion.
Please hang on and be patient. I’m preparing something for this new moon that will be a message not just for September but the whole year.
Each Sign will have its own separate extended message, coming out of the images already posted recently with brief descriptions for september.
A few are already up and we had a glitch between Taurus and Virgo.
So we’re working in it so please bear with it as we are seeking a means of expression to help everybody sort out the mess the whole world seems to be in. Don’t worry, though. This is just the Rinse cycle.

  • L

07 Sep: PISCES Pisces rising saturn 11

Wait, this saturn transit means business  right now and straight through 2019. So here’s our deepest explanation how we would be crazy enough to have linked you , Elizabeth Taylor and…


Mars at 0° Aquarius   is the point at which Donald Trump was elected In 2016. This Point will turn out to herald a revolution and transformation,  Not only in…

30 Aug: We Have to Stay Grounded

BUT WE STILL HAVE TO STAY SOBER AND GROUNDED, don’t we? Or do we? We can’t just float off la-dee-dah into the wild, blue screwyouosphere. We all have commitments and…

30 Aug: Thousands of lotuses

Thousands of thank-you‘s for all the touching responses I got to yesterday’s post. I assure you I’m fine and I wasn’t complaining—Just letting everybody know that I was aware of…