Daily Fix

23 Nov: The blindfolded swimmer

Talk about when you need faith! Here’s a message for all the new visitors who have not yet read about Neptune in Pisces.

20 Nov: NEW MOON News

See the monthly

18 Nov: Definitely stay tuned

17 Nov: Darrrrk moon

Don’t stalk it tonight. Let it come to you and it will.

11 Nov: First lesson in coming global politics

Not all the dinosaurs died from the asteroid.

(Further discussions will take place at Lupovici’s.)

06 Nov: Venus at healing point of recent lunation

Back pain or not, Venus at a healing point for this most recent New Moon, so remind yourself:

« This is now. This is not then. I have experience, wisdom and resources available to me now, unknown to me or my parents in the past. May I proceed with grace, beauty, Peace and prosperity. May all sea turtles find their home. »

Here’s the message if you Didnt get it yet: